Friday, May 20, 2011

TEAM LANCE UPDATE on Medical Progress

Hello dear Friends and Family of Team Lance
(info sent out via email on 4/20/2011 to all I have email addresses for....)

It’s been nearly 5 months since Lance received the treatment of IVIG that you so generously and open heartedly supported. That’s amazing in and of itself, how time goes by!! It’s a good time to update you on his progress, since the treatment continues to unfold its benefits.

Perhaps the best way to sum it up is to tell you something that I overheard Lance saying to someone the other day that we ran into and they inquired about his wellbeing since the treatment. He said “I still have some health issues that I’m working on but the tics are so much better and overall, its not foremost in my mind or in my life anymore.”


Lance received the IVIG treatment over Thanksgiving break, and had a very rapid and dramatic response to the IVIG. Within just one week, his tics and other PANDAS symptoms went down and continued to do with a few “flurries” here and there. Many of the flurries are associated with some structural issues (cranial / neck) that we treat regularly and which nearly always lead to relief. Some may be triggered by his immune system being exposed to strep or possibly some other bug, since his immune system has a tendency to misfire. Some are just related to the healing process which isn’t linear; it’s more of an upward spiral kind of thing. The IVIG reduces inflammation and also helps Lance’s body battle the strep by resetting the immune system’s ability to work properly.

From the outside, I can see that Lance’s coordination is also improving, as has his mood, stress level, confidence and just overall happiness quotient. He was well enough for us to go to Disneyland for a couple of days over spring break, something we could never do either because he wasn’t feeling well enough to be away, or I was worried that the rides would trigger his nervous system or structural things, (oh, or we were just too low on funds due to the ongoing medical crisis). Anyway, he did amazing and we had fun and it was the first time I’ve been away from the house for five days in well over three years!

Undoubtedly Lance has health issues that we are working on. We recently discovered he appears to have some intestinal adhesions or scarring from the celiac disease having gotten so bad it may have damaged the tissues in there, so he gets discomfort with all that. But we’re working on it, and I’m hoping to do a totally non-surgical intervention; we’ll see what happens over time.

Meanwhile he’s excelling in school – even better than that – he finally hit an academic wall and discovered that he has to actually work hard and study to do well at Sonoma Academy. This just in. Well, it’s something he never had to do before, the information just seeped in and stuck and that was that. Now he is having to learn how to study for the first time and to that I say hurrah. He continues to make friends, DJ for KOWS radio station in Occidental, obsess over the NBA and was accepted as a writer for the popular online sports magazine Bleacher Report. His first article got over 3000 hits and two awards from the magazine for being a “hot read” J

As a result of Lance doing better, I’m doing better as well. I’ve been slowly letting down my guard and have been less anxious. I’m almost even sleeping like a normal person which gives me tremendous hope. My energy is more available for working in my practice and things in our household are just improving all around.

And that’s the update. This is possible because of you and your loving generous support of Lance and our fabulous miraculous fundraising event at Aubergine in November.


With love

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    My son too has PANDAS and I just donated $5 to your cause. Yes I know it is only $5 but we are in the same boat as you since my son Michael has just finished his steroid burst test and it proved, at least to us, his teachers and doctor (Dr. K) that he indeed has PANDAS. The next step for us is the IVIG treatment which I know will be denied by the insurance company - so we are looking to gather funds ourselves to cover this. My donation is more symbolic but I know first hand how bad and REAL PANDAS is and it saddens and hurts me to see you son like this.

    My son is now 7 years old and I think he has had PANDAS since he was little. We have seen MANY MANY specialists and NOBODY could ever help us for years as to what was the matter with him. He totally fits the profile of PANDAS - we have the exact date documented of when he went through his horrible changes. Always since about 3 he was always a little quirky but last year he woke up one day and started talking to himself - day and night - even in the total dark of his bedroom. And this occurred about 6 weeks after a strep infection! Self talking was not all of it - he has become extremely hyper-active, has staring, hand jerking tics, talks differently now, has racing thoughts, cannot write his name anymore, has lost of year of his education pretty much (1st grade), and lately has developed strange OCD behaviors, etc, etc, etc. Our belief is that he had developed PANDAS in his early childhood and then when he got strep last year it really went crazy to the point of where it is today.
    Anyhow I am glad that things are much better now. I can say that we are cautiously optimistic for our son right now. We see Dr. K in Hinsdale this Thursday where he will give us the low-down on IVIG treatment. Please stay in touch:

    Kind regards,

